Heat Pumps
Heat Pump Unit
Part#: GS5-45HPC
Description: 4.5 Kw outdoor heat pump unit
Heat Pump Unit with Heater (Cold Climate)
Part#: GS5-45HPC-D
Description: 4.5 Kw outdoor heat pump unit with drain pan heater
Residential Tanks
43 gallon storage tank
Part#: ECO-43SSAQB
Description: Residential stainless steel 43G storage tank
83 gallon storage tank
Part#: ECO-83SSAQB
Description: Residential stainless steel 83G storage tank
119 gallon storage tank
Part#: SAN-119GLBK
Description: Residential/ commercial glass-lined 119G storage tank
Commercial Tanks
119 gallon ASME storage tank
Part#: ECO-119GLASME
Description: Commercial ASME certified, glass-lined 119G storage tank
200 gallon ASME storage tank
Part#: ECO-200GLBK
Description: Commercial ASME certified, glass-lined 200G storage tank
285 gallon ASME storage tank
Part#: ECO-285GLNST
Description: Commercial ASME certified, glass-lined 285G storage tank
360 gallon ASME storage tank
Part#: ECO-360GLNST
Description: Commercial ASME certified, glass-lined 360G storage tank
455 gallon ASME storage tank
Part#: ECO-455GLNST
Description: Commercial ASME certified, glass-lined 455G storage tank
505 gallon ASME storage tank
Part#: ECO-505GLNST
Description: Commercial ASME certified, glass-lined 505G storage tank
505 gallon ASME horizontal storage tank
Description: Commercial ASME certified, glass-lined 505G storage tank
Commercial Accessories
Multi System Controller
Description: UL approved and programmable controller that is capable tof controlling up to 50x GS5-45HPC/-D Heat Pumps. 12 jumpers are included.
Replacement for Tank Sensor (Jumper)
Description: Fixed temperature device to mimic individual tank temperature sensor input to SANCO₂ Heat Pump ensuring that Heat Pump will start heating based on input from the controller. 6 jumpers per kit.

HP Mounting Channel
Part #: ECO-MRCHL-17W
Description: 3.75” high heat pump mounting channel

Wall Bracket
Description: Heat pump mounting bracket kit

Heat Pump Stand
Part #: ECO-HPSTD-12
Description: 12” high heat pump stand
Freeze Protection

Heat Tape
Part #: FG2-6L
Description: 6' long, self-regulating pipe freeze protection heat trace tape.

Freeze protection valve kit
Description: 2 valves per kit (heat pump cold inlet and hot outlet). Opens at 35F / closes at 40F during power outage.
Tank Installation

Tank Sensor
Part #: 91101-45190
Description: Tank thermistor for the tank.

Disconnect / Standby Switch
Description: The switch provides a port for a small generator during power outage.